2014 - Present. Engineering. Sr. Full stack Engineer

Over ten years of professional experience in both front-end and back-end development. Expert knowledge in Javascript, Typescript and Node.js.

Sr. Full-stack engineer

Samsung Electronics, San Francisco, CA

Built web and android apps for a large e-commerce company. Currently, working on full-stack, building backend, logging and monitoring, etc.
Tech: react, redux, node.js.

2020 - Present

Sr. Frontend Engineer

Samsung Electronics, San Francisco, CA

Helped build a new e-commerce platform to sell electronics for a large multinational corporation.
Tech: react, vue, node.js.

2018 - 2020

Sr. Frontend developer

PayPal, San Jose, CA

Created various web pages and apps for a large e-commerce company.
Tech: dust.js, react, node.js

2016 - 2018

Web Developer

Experian, Costa Mesa, CA

Built marketing pages for a credit monitoring company. Also, created an e-commerce website with a wishlist and cart to sell resources to businesses.
Tech: jquery, masonry, d3.

2015 - 2016

Web Developer

Barclays, Plano, TX

Built a credit-card login portal for a large British bank.
Tech: backbone, marionette, grunt

2014 - 2015
2016 - 2018. formerly Ente, LLC. Founder

Provided web solutions to Fortune 100 companies.

2015 - Present. Ente.net. Investor

Invest in early-stage startups, mostly in South Asia.
www.ente.net for more information!